Mathspace & SchoolsPLP!
We talk with Mathspace about the new Algebra & Geometry content! Read more about our partnership.
Mathspace meets criteria for
Tier III - Promising Evidence
under ESSA
In June 2022 independent research group, Empirical Education, concluded that Mathspace meets the criteria for Tier III ESSA evidence.
Read the report!
Research shows Mathspace
increases student math proficiency
An independent study showed that the more students use Mathspace, the greater the increase in likelihood of math proficiency.
Read more!
Our Integrations!

Current integrations include, but are not limited to,
SchoolPathways, Google Classroom, Schoology, Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, and
We facilitate seamless imports of SFTP files into any SIS or application system, providing comprehensive support to our clients.

reach out to us directly to discuss integrations with any application.
SchoolsPLP and eDynamic!
SchoolsPLP is excited to offer the E-Electives & College and Career Ready curriculum from eDynamic! This catalog features
nearly 250 CTE and elective courses for middle and high school. With
the largest collection of online courses aligned to 14 national career clusters, these courses offer the most unique and specialized online
courses for students. Courses can be used for
career exploration, CTE, STEAM Programs, Enriching Electives, Coding Camp, Summer School, Supplemental &
Differentiation, and
After School Programs.
Contact us to learn more!